So, this first pocture we're seeing here, is around the start of the level. As you can see, there's stuffed up textures (which I haven't got around to fixing). There's also small platforms, and alot of lava. What's so special about this course so far?? It doesn't look NSMB themed yet?? Well, I know that, because the textures I'll fix up, will be NSMB ones, so it'll look more like NSMB.
So what about this picture. All I can see is more Lava, a purple floor switch, and even more small platforms. There's even a lava wall?! The lava wall right there, is probably one of the hardest parts of the level, about 1 in 3 tries of myself trying to pass that part, I survive, the other 2 times I usually die. Don't worry though, there's a recovery heart around the purple switch, and it will help you alot.
Ah hah!! Now we're getting somewhere. A Star Coin off NSMB. Why though?? What does it do?? Does it help you?? Well, firstly, this coin, helps you get one of the stars. As I said earlier, there'll be 50 stars, these Star coins, will make one of those Green Stars collectable. Or, just to make this easier, touch all the Star Coins in the castle (there's 5 of them) and a star will appear, then you get the star. Sounds easy right??? WRONG!! The star coins are in very hard to find/get to places. The one Mario's standing in front of in the picture, is probably the easiest of them. I died about, 10-20 times while testing the star, many times I got most of the coins, then died.
Well, that's pretty much it, I plan to make a video of one of my levels, Melty Magma Land, within the next few hours or so. It'll be posted up on my YouTube channel.